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Tailoring Your Social Media Content for Different Platforms: Why & How

Published: Sep 126 min read
Tailoring Your Social Media Content for Different Platforms: Why & How

Social media content has transformed dramatically in recent years, reshaping our perception of what is possible and what is practical in organic social media. New platforms are emerging, established ones are undergoing major rebrands, and algorithms are evolving at a rapid pace. For many content creators, adapting to the latest trends and changes is becoming tougher and tougher — but if you ignore the new landscape, you might fall behind. 

Back in the day, multipurpose content was all the rage. You make one piece of content, whether it be a video, a designed post, or a status update, and distribute it amongst your platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram would all have identical libraries, which was okay. Nowadays, this isn’t the case. 

Social media platforms are all different, as are the types of content that perform well on them. What works for Facebook will now translate poorly on Instagram, and LinkedIn and X have nothing in common. To get the most out of your social presence and drive conversions, you must adapt your social media content strategy to tailor it to different platforms. Not sure how to implement this? No worries; the social media experts at Baal & Spots are here to help.

Why should you tailor your content for each platform?

Every social media channel has unique demographics, algorithms, styles, and ad types. To connect with your audience on each platform properly, your social media content must be customized to fit the platform’s guidelines. Here are some reasons why you should diversify the types of content on social media per platform:

  • The purpose: Each platform has its own style of content that thrives. Instagram relies heavily on visual content (appealing imagery and videos). X (formerly Twitter) values concise, timely updates in the form of statuses. TikTok is purely a video platform. 
  • The users: Users have expectations of what to find on each platform. By customizing your content to align with the specific expectations and behaviors of each platform's users, you increase the likelihood of engagement and visibility. No one goes to Facebook for “get ready with me” videos; they will go to Instagram or TikTok for that kind of content. 
  • The outcome: Platform algorithms favor content that meets their specific criteria, so adapting your approach can boost your content's reach and effectiveness.

We won’t lie, creating different content for each platform can be time-consuming, but enjoying the fruits of your labor with favorable results is worth it. 

"Algorithms change all the time, but the big picture hasn't changed: brands should be tailoring their content to different audiences across different social media channels. While brands should be meeting their audiences where they are online, they also should be meeting audience expectations when it comes to content."

Gemrick Curtom | Social Media Specialist at Baal & Spots

Is it bad to post the same content on different social media platforms? 

Not always. There are scenarios in which social media content can be successful across a variety of platforms. The best example of this is video content. It’s no secret that video content has exploded in popularity within the last few years across all social channels. 

Video has proven to be a content vessel that is accommodated on almost every platform and drives a considerable amount of engagement. In fact, short-form video has the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy.

As long as you are mindful of how each platform will display your video, it can be easily distributed and often find success. If you are searching for tips on how to create video content, take a look at our blog for more information. 

How to tailor content to each social media platform

When developing your social media strategy, treat each platform separately and create content that fits each one’s style and audience. If you can connect with the platform’s unique community, your content can go further.

Knowing exactly how to tailor each social media profile can often be trial and error. Just because certain strategies are working for some businesses does not guarantee success for yours online. These tips are a great starting point to help you kick off your new social media content strategies.

Instagram: Originality is king 

Mockup of blank Instagram feeds

Of all the social media platforms, Instagram appears to be changing the most frequently. Once known as an app for pretty pictures, it has evolved into almost a jack-of-all-trades social platform to rival its competitors, where any and all content is welcome. That is, if it’s original.  

Unlike X, where “reposts” are highly encouraged, reposted content on Instagram has a huge disadvantage. To stop the constant regurgitation of TikToks or other accounts’ photos on their app, Instagram decided to remove any reposted content from its recommended feed. The algorithm will reduce visibility for unoriginal content, which will heavily impact their engagement rates. In a space like Instagram, where reaching your non-followers is almost as important as reaching your current followers, this warning should not be ignored.

That being said, if you want to be successful on Instagram, create and post original social media content. Craft your own high-quality images or designs, or record and edit your own videos to showcase your brand identity in an engaging way. Instagram will always be a visual-heavy space where aesthetics matter, but being able to reach people who have the potential to be new customers is crucial.

Facebook: Where connections matter

Mockup of a blank Facebook feed

Even though younger audiences have migrated off of Facebook, it still remains the most popular and active social platform to date. According to a Hubspot report, Facebook often delivers the highest ROI among all social media networks. 

Facebook is all about connection, and that’s what your content needs to convey. Users are looking for content that resonates with their values, meaning if you can create posts or videos that engage as well as entertain, they are far more likely to interact with you. Your Facebook content should aim to be informational, authentic, engaging, and clear. Your call-to-action, whether it’s to click a link or view a product, should be intuitive for the user. 

Lead with a person-first approach on Facebook. Photos or short-form videos of your team doing what they do best can increase credibility and engagement rates. Where a photo of your product may fall flat on Facebook, a real person engaging with your product can make a huge difference.

If someone follows you on Facebook, they’re already hooked, but the ability to reach a wider audience with imagery, videos, ads, and more can grow your following while creating new loyal customers.

X: Use your words

A hand holding a phone showing the X social media app

Unlike its competitors, on which imagery and video are the leading types of content on social media content, X prioritizes text above all else — specifically, text with links. X is not really the place for self-promotion as a business. Users are here to engage with current conversations happening…or the latest celebrity drama. 

When crafting content for X, you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Share your informational blog posts, news articles, or updates on an event that occurred to keep users up-to-date with what is happening with your business and the industry as a whole. Reposting content from other industry leaders and adding your own take is also a successful strategy.

Planning content for X can often be tricky since so much of the platform’s purpose is anchored to what is happening now. Taking a more responsive approach to your X content can guarantee more success than a fully-planned post with little relevancy. 

LinkedIn: Educate and engage

LinkedIn screenshot

It may come as a surprise to some that LinkedIn is not just a job-seeking site. As a hub for educational content that focuses on personal connections, LinkedIn can be a valuable part of your social media strategy. However, not all types of social media content are made to thrive here.

Because LinkedIn users are not logging in to be sold to, pure promotional content will not land. The algorithm prioritizes content that sparks meaningful conversations and interactions among users; therefore, your content should be tailored toward:

  • Answering a question
  • Offering a solution to a problem
  • Providing resources with outbound links
  • Sharing your business’s people and their victories

Professional visuals such as infographics or short videos to accompany your content can go a long way with your audience. Unlike other social platforms, longer copy is supported, meaning you can flesh out a detailed thought process with more pay-off, and post content that positions you as a thought leader in your space. 

Lastly, and maybe more importantly, having members of your team repost or comment with their own unique takes will drive engagement and add credibility to your content.

Tailor your social media content seamlessly with Baal & Spots as your social partner

If you’re not customizing your social media content to appeal to each platform’s differing needs and uses, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities. Each platform has different audiences, motivations, behaviors, and preferences, and your strategies should reflect those considerations. 

Although it may sound like a heavy lift, you do not have to carry the burden all by yourself. Baal & Spots, a full-service digital marketing agency here in Houston, offers social media services that cater to all aspects of a well-rounded social presence. From posting to advertising, our team of experts is ready to help you take your online presence to the next level. 

We understand the importance of owning your digital presence as well as obtaining the results that matter to you and your business. If you want to know more about why we would be a great social media partner for your business, let’s talk about what we can achieve together.

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