Welcome to Baal & Spots! New site, same great results.

Website design & development

We create websites that bring out your brand’s fullest potential, are developed to grow and scale alongside your ever-evolving business, and are optimized to ensure conversions and visibility.

Web experiences designed to supercharge your marketing

Baal & Spots takes a holistic approach to custom website design and development, ensuring the finished product exceeds the sum of its parts. 

Starting with a clear understanding of your goals, our team builds a rich, scalable website experience crafted to grow at the pace of your business. 

  • Custom websites
  • In-house website development
  • UI/UX design
  • Content authorship & strategy 
  • API Integrations
  • Support & management
  • Back-end management
  • Ongoing website maintenance

Our award-winning sites don’t just look good — they drive growth and generate revenue.


Increase in lead value.


Average page one rankings for web redesign and content marketing clients.


Increase in lead value for a wealth management firm following a website redesign.

A great website still matters

The average site visitor only spends about 62 seconds on any given webpage before moving on. That’s not very long for your website to capture a user’s attention, instill trust, and generate interest in what you’re offering. 

When your website is designed with purpose, it can do all of these things and more. It can be a powerful tool that drives conversions. It can be a source of credibility and trust for your brand. It can serve as the first point of contact with potential customers. And it's about more than just looks.

Aesthetics matter, but there’s much more to website design and development than pure look and feel. Your website needs to be developed to function seamlessly, load quickly, and provide an intuitive user experience that guides visitors toward desired actions.

At Baal & Spots, we understand the importance of balancing form and function in website design. It’s all a part of our process.

Our process for effective websites

Websites that work start on a strong foundation. Our process is crafted from experience to ensure that our end product is perfectly aligned with your vision, your brand, and your goals. 

Pie Paid Search


  1. Define goals and objectives
  2. Conduct a website audit
  3. Research and benchmarking
  4. Create a project plan


  1. Interactive design
  2. Content strategy and creation
  3. Front-end development
  4. Set Up CMS and backend


  1. Exhaustive pre-launch quality assurance
  2. Website launch and monitor
  3. Ongoing maintenance and support
  4. Continuous optimization and updates

Marketing in the dark? Let us shine a light.

Enter a URL and get a free website analysis!


Below you will find a selection of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that provide further insight into our process, services, and the value we provide to our clients.

Everyone says they offer the same things. What makes you different?

At Baal & Spots, it's not just about getting clicks, it's about building relationships and delivering lasting value. We differentiate ourselves through our holistic approach, long-term partnerships, and our commitment to growing and evolving alongside our clients. And because we work in multiple verticals, we’re always incorporating fresh insights from across the marketing world. 

Which industries do you specialize in?

We specialize in a variety of industries including healthcare, legal, financial services, nonprofits, consumer goods, entertainment, and education technology, delivering web design and development solutions tailored to each sector's unique needs and challenges.

How much work is outsourced? Do you use AI?

At Baal & Spots, we take pride in the fact that all our work is done in-house by our dedicated team of professionals, and while we leverage technology to enable precision and more efficient processes, we do not outsource work or solely use AI in our design and development projects.

How long does a website take?

The duration for building a website largely depends on the scope and complexity of the project, but on average, our team at Baal & Spots can develop a fully customized website within 3-6 months.

My website isn’t that old. Why do I need a new one already?

The lifespan of a website can vary, but with rapid technological advancements and evolving user expectations, it's usually beneficial to consider a website redesign every 2-3 years to maintain a fresh, optimized, and user-friendly online presence. 

However, your site will last longer when you use us to build it. Our websites are designed and developed with scalability in mind, able to grow and adapt alongside your business for years to come.

Still have questions?

Let's talk!